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Per te d'immenso giubilo (soprano I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Per te d'immenso giubilo (soprano II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
D'immenso giubilo (soprano I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
D'immenso giubilo (soprano II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh! qual funesto avvenimento! (soprano I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh! qual funesto avvenimento! (soprano II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices

Percorrete le spiagge vicine (tenor I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Percorrete le spiagge vicine (tenor II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Il tuo dubbio è omai certezza (tenor I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Il tuo dubbio è omai certezza (tenor II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Per te d'immenso giubilo (tenor I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Per te d'immenso giubilo (tenor II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
D'immenso giubilo (tenor I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
D'immenso giubilo (tenor II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh! qual funesto avvenimento! (tenor I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh! qual funesto avvenimento! (tenor II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh meschina (tenor I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh meschina (tenor II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices

Percorrete le spiagge vicine Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Il tuo dubbio è omai certezza Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Per te d'immenso giubilo (bass I) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Per te d'immenso giubilo (bass II) Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
D'immenso giubilo Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh! qual funesto avvenimento! Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices
Oh meschina Voice with metronome Emphasised voice and other voices All voices