2. Lord, Thou alone art God
3. To God on high be thanks and praise
5. Now this man
6. Take him away
8. Stone him to death
9. To Thee, o Lord, I yield my spirit
11. Happy and blest are they who have endured
14. And as he journeyed (soprano I)
14. And as he journeyed (soprano II)
15. Rise! Up! Arise! Rise and shine
16. Sleepers, wake! A voice is calling
20. The Lord, he is good
22. O great is the depth
23. The Nations are now the Lord's (soprano I)
23. The Nations are now the Lord's (soprano II)
26. How lovely are the messengers
28. Thus saith the Lord
29a. Is this he
29b. O Thou, the true and only Light
33. The Gods themselves as mortals
35. O be gracious, ye immortals
36. But our God abideth in Heaven (soprano I)
36. But our God abideth in Heaven (soprano II)
38. This is Jehova's Temple
42. Far be it from thy path
43. See what love
45. Not only unto him